Thursday 18 May 2017

Speech NZ Information

Today, Mrs Muston told everybody about an opportunity for the students called Speech NZ. This is a programme that has been running in our school annually for many years now. It is an opportunity to develop a variety of skills, but most notably oral language.

Students will need to apply this year, and the deadline for applications will be next Tuesday (23 May). Please see the notice below for more information.

Individual Learning Blogs

The learners in Pod 5 have been working hard this week, achieving some great success. We strongly recommend that you visit some of their blogs and see what they have been up to. We would really love some positive comments that show your interest in their learning.

When we comment, we "TAG" the writer. This means we:
  T - Tell the writer something you like,
  A - Ask the writer a question,
  G - Give the writer a positive suggestion for the future.

We look forward to reading your feedback soon!!

Sunday 7 May 2017

Welcome to Term 2

Hi everybody, and welcome back to Pod 5 for term 2. I hope everybody had a great break, and that all students are ready to get back into some awesome learning.

As you all know, we farewelled Tania Macdonald at the end of term 1, and we all wish her all the best for the future. We are lucky to have Keiran Hackett with us for the rest of the year in her place.

Our learners have already done some great work. They have published some of their learning on their own blogs - you can find all the links on the "Individual Blogs" page, which can be reached by clicking on the link at the top of this page. All students will be publishing on their blogs regularly, so make sure you check them regularly. Even better, leave a positive comment on somebody's post.

Well look forward to reading your comments soon.