Kia ora Whanau and Caregivers,
Already the year is off to a busy (and hot!) start.
Swim For Life commences this week, Thursday and Fridays with specific times yet to be confirmed. There is a tentative timetable for Monday - Wednesday so we recommend that students bring their togs every day.
We both believe that hobbies, sport and activities outside the classroom are just as beneficial, if not more so, than sitting down to do homework after a day at school. Therefore, homework is only used to build on the basics.
Reading for 20 minutes - text of your child’s choice is best - e.g., chapter books, magazines, the newspaper, anything that interests them!
Maths Tables! Tables! Tables! These underpin everything that your child is trying to learn at this level and are crucial if they are to work at or above their expected level. Concentrating on one per week works well and if they are already confident, then instant recall is something they could be working on.
Lists will be based on the school-wide spelling test and will be ready shortly - your child is being tested this week. Students’ lists will be able to be retrieved from their Google drives which are currently being set up. Once these are up and running, students should be learning their words throughout the week. There will be peer testing on Fridays. Suggested learning activities will also be stored in their drives.
You will see there is a page allocated on our class blog with upcoming events. REMEMBER, we have the back to school BBQ this Wednesday to kick things off. Hope to see you there.
Within our weekly timetable, one block is allocated for Discovery Time. Discovery time allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school and puts your child in charge of their own learning. Depending on your child’s choice of learning, there may be things they need to bring from home. However, it should not involve you having to buy large, expensive amounts of materials.
This term we are focussing on digital citizenship and building relationships. We will also be focussing on New Zealand and Maori history which will involve a visit to a marae. For some, this may be their first opportunity to experience a marae powhiri that is covered during te reo Maori.
Every student has their own personal blog which will be used to keep a record of their learning. It will be a place to share videos of strategies and activities, learning progression goals for reading, writing and maths and publish work they are proud of. You will also have access to this (and their drives) to see the work and learning that’s occurring throughout the year.
Interviews are next Wednesday and Thursday (15th & 16th). These are the perfect opportunity for you to share your child’s strengths, how we can help your child and specific goals you are wanting them to work on. Please remember to book online - Code: 27wga
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to pop in any time or email us via the office.
Naku noa
Tania Macdonald and Mark Buckland